Project overview


Tradr is a Mobile app that allows you buy anything from local markets using your phone


Product Manager, Cloud Engineer, Frontend Developer


6 months

Project type

two consumer-facing apps and a web app


Tassy Omah ( UI/UX designer )

Godwin Asuqou ( flutter developer )

Project Intro

the reasoning for working on the project

I've been a creative wanderer for 4 years exploring various creative passions through learning digital skills. It all started from photography and quickly moved into design, coding, branding, and marketing, as I was a one-man team discovering what I love to do and what I can be the best at.

That was how I stumbled into product management. After going through YC startup school twice, one day I randomly decided to open the group chat and I saw a message from Chidi who was looking to work with a team to build an app, so I reached out and we spoke about the app and I liked the idea, I felt it had the potential to be something worth building. After our initial calls and getting to catch up as we knew each other from a previous town and last spoke a few years about. He decided to work with me as a product manager. So what exactly are we working on?

The Problem

A lot of people are either too busy or physically challenged (unhealthy) or do not just want to deal with the stress of having to commute to buy items they need from the local market themselves. This set of individuals prefer to shop from local markets because of the variety, rates, and quantity of products/items available there but have no means to do that. They desire to have their shopping needs made available from the comfort of their homes.

Expectations - being completely new to the startup space, Chidi needed someone who could help put him through the entire process of building an application, working with and hiring a team and ensure that we are building the right product and are solving the right problem. So I suggested we start with a strategy session to get to know more about the idea and the problem.


How I get things done, ( make a cool illustration )

Project strategy

After running a consulting agency during my 4 years of exploring I picked up the skill of running strategy sessions and I think this is the most important step in figuring out what we need to work on and ensuring everyone is aligned. The strategy call goes over a lot of things and I would break them down one at a time.